Reference Standard RS 3330Precision meter for electrical power and energy measurement
Reference Standard RS 2×30Precision meter for electrical power and energy measurement
Electricity Meter Test Equipment ELMAAutomated equipment for electricity meter testing
Software Package ELMAElectricity meter testing and calibration with user friendly GUI
Isolation Current Transformer CMR-IIsolation current transformer for testing meters with interconnected current and voltage circuits with remote load management
Power SourceThe Power Source generates and delivers precision high power voltage and current signals for high volume calibration and testing of electricity meters and measuring devices.
Meter Handling SystemHandling system for electricity meter testing
Local Evaluation Unit OPSMicrocomputer unit for evaluation of error of the tested electricity meter
Hand-Held UnitCable-free hand-held data acquisition unit
Half Wave RectifierHWR is a single phase or three phase device which acts as an ideal diode with null-voltage switch and negligible power loss.
Distributed MSVT (D-MSVT)Isolation Transformer for testing single-phase meters with interconnected current and voltage circuits