Isolation Current Transformer CMR-I

Isolation current transformer for testing meters with interconnected current and voltage circuits

The Precision Electronically Compensated Current Transformer CMR-I is a small-sized electronically compensated current transformer unit for isolated precision current transmission. The through-hole concept and single wire capability enable any user defined current ratio. The unit is dedicated for testing of electricity meters with closed current-potential circuits and for universal step-up/down current transformation applications with excellent accuracy and dynamics.


  • Standalone through-hole precision electronically compensated transformer with single wire capability

  • Excellent accuracy and dynamics

  • Remote control via serial communication

  • Monitoring of individual contact resistance and power loss

  • Protection against open circuit and overload

  • Programmable load by-pass

  • Automatic unused position by-pass

  • Easy prepaid and smart meters testing

  • Easy implementation to existing systems

  • Simple user test of functionality and accuracy

  • Accuracy maintained for any up or down current transformation

Other Features

The CMR-I 2x30 is equipped with Load Monitoring, Protection Circuits and Load Bypass via serial remote control.
The CMR-I can be implemented into any existing test system with negligible additional power losses. Current ratio can be set by number of primary and secondary wires passing the hole. The internal electronics of the device assures the specified accuracy for any up/down ratio.
CMR-I secondary cable instalation with double turn